Don’t miss your workout. Convert it.
Substitute problem exercises with alternatives that maintain the intended stimulus and timeframe of the original workout.

The Cardio Substitutions Calculator
You can’t always complete your workouts exactly as prescribed. Sometimes that’s due to injury, the weather, or a lack of equipment at your disposal. Luckily, there are plenty of interchangeable cardio exercises used for metabolic conditioning in things like CrossFit, functional fitness, and HIIT. The hard part is knowing the conversion rates between them all. In reality, there isn’t an accurate way to globally translate one activity to another. Everyone has different strengths and abilities at various movements. However, there is a widely accepted set of equivalents used in the fitness community for the most common machines and other exercises. Using these, our Cardio Substitutions Calculator makes it easy for you to convert your original workout to one that suits you, with a range of potential alternatives for you to choose from.
Nursing a Niggle?
Don't let minor injuries or grumpy joints hold you back from your fitness goals. Switch out the problem exercises with replacements that your body approves of while still maintaining the intended purpose of the original workout.
Rain ruining your runs?
Plan an indoor equivalent with our Cardio Substitutions Calculator. Convert your run to a C2 Row, Bike or Ski Erg; Assault Bike; Echo Bike; skipping; or even burpees!
More members than machines?
No-one should miss out on the class due to a lack of rowers or bikes. Enter the original programming into our conversion calculator to see the equivalent distance, calories or reps for other movements with a similar stimulus and time frame.